I am here to help you understand what is not allowed in the sport of table tennis or ping pong. I looked the rules up in the official ITTF, (International Table Tennis Federation) handbook to help you and your opponent(s) settle any arguments. So before you guys start throwing your rackets at each other, read on.
There are many things which are not allowed in table tennis, but here are the ones which are most commonly encountered and if done, will result in the opposing player receiving a point.
- You can not hide the ball from the receiver during the serve.
- You can not hit the ball before it bounces.
- You can not touch the table with your free hand.
- You can not touch the net or net assembly.
- You can not move the table.
- You can not hit the ball twice in succession deliberately.
- You can not throw the racket at the ball to hit it.
- You can not obstruct the ball with any part of the body (including clothing.)
Next I will describe the above list in more detail, talk about a few other illegal things, and go over some most frequently asked questions about TT rules and regulations. So read on if you want to learn more.
For more in-depth rules for ping pong read Official Ping Pong Rules: The Ultimate Guide to Serving, Scoring and More.
What is Allowed and Not Allowed in Table Tennis:
What’s an Illegal Serve in Ping Pong?
If any of these following requirements are not met then the service is not legal.
- While serving the ball must never be hidden from view of the opponent(s).
- The ball must be thrown straight up to a height of at least 16cm.
- The ball must first bounce on the server’s side of the table before going over the net.
What happens if you miss a serve in ping pong?
If you fail to hit the ball with the racket when attempting to serve then the point is awarded to the receiving player(s). You are not allowed a second chance. However, if the ball hits the top of the net and goes over, this is considered a let.
Read more: What is a Let in Table Tennis? The Official ITTF Rules.
Check out our article on Learning How to Serve | 12 Famous Serving Techniques.
Are you Allowed to Touch the Table or Net?
- You are never allowed to ever touch the table with your free hand, (the hand which is not holding the racket). However, you may touch the table with your racket hand as long as you don’t move the table.
- You are allowed to touch or even sit on the table with any other part of the body but if you move the table even the slightest bit then it is considered illegal your opponent automatically gets the point.
- You are never allowed to touch the net. If you touch the net or net assembly with a part of your body or anything that you are wearing or carrying then the opponent will receive a point.
Is it Illegal to Hit the Net in Ping Pong?
It is illegal to hit the net or net assembly with any part of your body or anything worn on the body or carried. If a player does touch the net or net assembly then the opponent receives the point. However, it is legal to hit the net with the ball providing that the ball goes over the net.
Are You Allowed to Hit the Ball Before it Bounces in Ping Pong?
The receiver is never allowed to hit the ball before it bounces in table tennis or ping pong. If done, the opposing player shall be awarded the point. The only exception is while serving. The server must throw the ball in the air and hit it before it hits the table.
Rules For Striking the Ball:
- You are not allowed to hit the ball on purpose twice in succession. You can however hit the ball twice by accident. An example of this would be if the ball hit your fingers or wrist immediately before hitting your racket; this example would be considered legal.
- This is my favorite rule: the racket must be in your hand while you hit the ball. In other words, throwing the racket at the ball in order to hit it is not legal.
- You can’t obstruct the ball with anything or anything you are wearing. So if the ball hits your clothing then the opponent would receive a point.
- If you hit the ball with a racket that does not meet the official racket requirements your opponent would also get a point.
Click here to learn more about what is not allowed for rackets and more rules for table tennis equipment.
Is Jumping Allowed in Table Tennis?
Jumping is allowed in table tennis. Many players jump while smashing the ball in order to generate more force. Players can also sometimes be seen jumping in order to return balls that are out of reach.
This video here is a great example of players “jump smashing.”
Are There Fouls In Ping Pong?
The word foul is not always used in table tennis/ping pong. However, all of the things above that I have mentioned that are not allowed are basically the same as fouls.
How Can a Player Get Disqualified in Table Tennis?
Players can get disqualified for many reasons in table tennis. Most of them boil down to the player acting like an ***hole, or unsportsmanlike conduct. It is the umpire’s decision whether or not to disqualify a player. Sometimes the player will receive a warning before being outright disqualified.
Learn more: The Role of the Umpire vs the Referee in Table Tennis
Another obvious thing that will get a player disqualified is being caught using performance enhancing drugs.
Usually these incidents involve either the player doing something rude out of anger due to losing, or when players celebrate victory in an unsportsmanlike fashion.
I have seen players get disqualified for kicking the umpire booth, throwing their rackets across the room, pushing and knocking the umpire onto the floor, and I have even seen a video of a pro player celebrating victory by putting his racket in his pants and making funny faces!
Here is a link to the official ITTF rules and regulations handbook if you want to see it for yourself. Tip: the easiest way to find info in the handbook is to scroll all the way to the bottom and look at the table of contents first.
Don’t Throw Your Racket!
I hope that I helped you learn what is and isn’t allowed in table tennis. Hopefully now you can solve your disputes over the rules and finish your game. Remember that throwing your racket will always result in either in your opponent getting the point, you getting disqualified, or someone’s grandma getting their eye poked out.
So go have fun, be respectful, and play some ping ping!
Click here for simplified singles rules with a PDF download.
Click here for simplified doubles rules with a PDF download.